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Author Archives: afsha malik

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The Alchemical Ramadan

We have just gone through the religious month of fasting of 2024. Most people feel sad at the end of this miraculous month, and I do understand why , but for me the true magic of Ramadan is precisely because it is so short. This month of Divine Mercy is true inner alchemy and such […]

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Winter: Season of the Cave

Winter comes to us as new opportunity to enter a deep stillness, inviting us to BE instead of DO. As the season of the most feminine energy (yin), winter honours the quiet time of reflection, contemplation, darkness, the death of old ways, and finding respite in hibernation. It is a reminder of our mental, emotional, […]

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Would you like to Bloom ?

What does it mean to Bloom ? When you think of a person who is blooming what image comes to mind. Mostly associated with flowers or pregnant women, the word epitomises life in all its glory. Bloom: To flourish with youth and vigour, to thrive, to shine, to glow. To be in the prime of […]

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Late Summer Wellbeing

The polymaths of the past knew how connected our health is to the Earth and its cycles. By close observation of the outward they formed a deep understanding of the inner dimension and developed medical systems that were holistic in every sense. The great Islamic scholars pondered over the truth set in the Quran which […]

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Perimenopause: Our Golden Opportunity

I now witness first hand the mass capitalisation of the disconnection of women from the most sacred period of their lives. This disconnection from ourselves and from our spirituality is the cause of much dis-ease. The medicalisation of menopause has been around for decades but there has been an exponential increase in the numbers of […]

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Movement lessons from Nature

Its information overload when it comes to advice about movement and exercise. We can log on to websites, insta, tik tok or listen intently to our group fitness instructors or PTs at the gym. We even try bizarre trends promoted by the celebrities. Everywhere we look there is another “newest evidence” in health and fitness. […]

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The Nature Prescription

We are not really dying from diseases from the body any more but rather diseases of the spirit. This lifetime we have come to learn so much about the human body. We have learned to interfere and manipulate the tiniest biochemical processes with drugs and various poisons. But none of that will truly heal us. […]

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Ramadan: The Great Detox

What a Divine gift to experience. A whole month of cleansing and detoxification. Ramadan first and foremost is a spiritual detox. We are given the opportunity to scrub the little black stains and rusty areas of our hearts so that we can let the Divine light in and make positive changes to our character and […]

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Sacred Month: Sacred Movement

There is a great self-imposed stress to “keep in routine” when it comes to exercise in Ramadan. Yet this sacred month is here to take us out of routine. We are forced to abandon the “normal” pre-occupying worldy worries and frivolities and replace them with reflective thoughts, deep meaningful contemplations and activities of selflessness. We […]

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Ramadan: Preparations in Nature

Everyone is busy …busy as bees…prepping for Ramadan. This seems to be a fairly new phenomenon. Maybe it’s the influence of the influencers. The house is decluttered and the freezer is full. Everything’s perfect, cooked and baked and prepped to perfection, stored in neat containers in organised rows and labelled helpfully.Checklists are ticked off, shopping […]

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