- Jul, 28, 2021
- afsha malik
- Blog2Bloom
A Lost Voice? by Sarah K
A Lost Voice ? When I was 10 years old, my youngest brother was born. We’ve always called him Mish Mish. His name is Ahmed. He was born with a mutation of the long arm of a particular gene. It’s the same gene that is affected in people with Williams syndrome, but […]
Take a Tour- Jul, 05, 2021
- 1 Comment.
- afsha malik
- Blog2Bloom
- Jul, 05, 2021
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- afsha malik
- Blog2Bloom
- Jun, 25, 2021
- afsha malik
- Blog
2021: A Butterfly Emerges
Have you emerged yet? I wrote a post last year about 2020…a year that changed the world: individually and collectively. It seemed like something BIG was going on – on another level and I thought I had figured it out. I wrote: We […]
Take a Tour- Sep, 25, 2020
- afsha malik
- Blog
2020: The year that keeps giving
Well, 2020 is the year that just keeps giving…well, in the realms of shadow work anyway. The ugly truth comes to the surface , as it should. Because if it does not then there can never be a new paradigm, a better world, a peaceful existance. The darkest, ugliest forces on the planet must be […]
Take a Tour- Apr, 03, 2020
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- afsha malik
- Blog
Relaxation: A Spiritual Perspective
For those on the frontline of this pandemic, dealing with exhaustion, grief and distress on a daily basis, it may seem like a distant dream to be able to feel any sense of inner calm and peace at the moment. The body is pumped full of adrenaline and cortisol, the stress response is at an […]
Take a Tour- Mar, 29, 2020
- afsha malik
- Blog
Building Immunity
Our bodies are programmed for self-healing. Given the right environment the body knows exactly what to do, without the necessity for randomised controlled trials! It’s divinely programmed but we also need to do our bit by looking after our environment, internal and external. Our immune system is our best defence to deal with threats and […]
Take a Tour- Mar, 24, 2020
- afsha malik
- Blog
Metabolic Health
I predict that in the future we will be hearing a lot more about Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome. These are basically the same thing. And it seems that this is the root cause of many chronic diseases: Diabetes, high blood pressure, Alzheimers, Osteoporosis, Asthma,some cancers, heart disease etc. What the coronavirus highlights brutally is […]
Take a Tour- Mar, 20, 2020
- afsha malik
- Blog
Preparing a Strong Body
I’ve been collating some useful information coming through about preparing the body to be able to fight the SARS-COV-2 virus as best we can. But lets be clear, these recommendations are actually just a clear message to boost our immune system from within…virus or not. This is something we should be doing all the time. […]
Take a Tour- Mar, 20, 2020
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- afsha malik
- Blog
Re-igniting Trauma: A Global Pandemic
With every crisis there is danger and opportunity. The danger is the fear and panic . But the opportunity is that we can use this time to be better people on the other side of this. And when I personally started to hear about the pandemic I was seeing this as a transformative and rebalancing […]
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