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Tag Archives: bloom

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Would you like to Bloom ?

What does it mean to Bloom ? When you think of a person who is blooming what image comes to mind. Mostly associated with flowers or pregnant women, the word epitomises life in all its glory. Bloom: To flourish with youth and vigour, to thrive, to shine, to glow. To be in the prime of […]

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A Lost Voice? by Sarah K

A Lost Voice ?       When I was 10 years old, my youngest brother was born. We’ve always called him Mish Mish. His name is Ahmed. He was born with a mutation of the long arm of a particular gene. It’s the same gene that is affected in people with Williams syndrome, but […]

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Holistic Resolutions:Taking it Deeper

It’s time. The energies of Winter have naturally drawn us inward.Rest,recuperation and reflection seem to come easily. And after the shortest day of the year, we really feel the trek towards a new year has truly begun.We feel the pull towards the growth and vitality of spring. And so it is only natural that we […]

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Bloomin’ Health! Look after yours.

Bloom: To flourish with youth and vigour, to thrive, to shine, to glow. To be in the prime of life, a time of greatest vigour and freshness. Health: A condition of optimal well-being, soundness of body and mind, freedom from illness and disease. I suppose health means different things to different people and it changes […]

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