- 03, 24, 2020
- By afsha malik
- Blog
Metabolic Health
I predict that in the future we will be hearing a lot more about Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome. These are basically the same thing. And it seems that this is the root cause of many chronic diseases: Diabetes, high blood pressure, Alzheimers, Osteoporosis, Asthma,some cancers, heart disease etc. What the coronavirus highlights brutally is […]
Take a Tour- 03, 20, 2020
- By afsha malik
- Blog
Preparing a Strong Body
I’ve been collating some useful information coming through about preparing the body to be able to fight the SARS-COV-2 virus as best we can. But lets be clear, these recommendations are actually just a clear message to boost our immune system from within…virus or not. This is something we should be doing all the time. […]
Take a Tour- 11, 04, 2019
- 1 Comment.
- By afsha malik
- Blog
The Sweetness of Life
Sugar has become the new “bad guy” of our diet replacing our demonisation of fat. While it is true that we need to reduce significantly the excessive levels of refined sugars and carbohydrates we eat, it is unreasonable to deny the need for sweetness in our diet. In Ayuverda it is well recognised that sweetness […]
Take a Tour- 09, 05, 2019
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- By afsha malik
- Blog
Magnesium Magic
Do you crave chocolate??? Do you often get leg cramps? Or twitchy muscles? Osteoporosis/weak bones? Do you suffer constipation often? Acid reflux/heartburn? What about heart palpitations? Angina? AF? High Blood Pressure? Anxious? Stressed? Irritable? Disturbed sleep or difficulty sleeping? Fatigue and lack of energy? Migraines? Muscular tension? Cluster headache? If you have any of these […]
Take a Tour- 05, 04, 2019
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- By afsha malik
- Blog
Exercise in Ramadan: an alternative view.
It’s a question that gets asked a lot….”exercise during Ramadan?” Google it and you will see a hundered posts on the benefits of maintaining your exercise regime (if not a little reduced), the best times to workout, the best type of workout,the best pre workout snack, post workout protein etc etc….hey Ive even written a […]
Take a Tour- 08, 27, 2016
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- By afsha malik
- Blog
What Should I Eat? Food, Simplified.
What should I eat? Paleo? Primal? Low carb, low fat, low carb +low fat (NO!) high fat +low carb, Atkins, raw, vegan, GI, Macro-tracking, calorie-counting, intermittent fasting?????? No wonder we are confused. Conflicting messages and TOO MUCH INFORMATION. While trying to absorb it all and follow plans and diets, in reality our daily food choices […]
Take a Tour- 03, 01, 2015
- 1 Comment.
- By afsha malik
- Blog
Mums ‘n’ Girls FitCamp
#ThisBrum GirlCan Get Fit, Active & Bloomin Healthy for Free! Courtesy of Sport England and the ThisGirlCan campaign, Bloomin Health is putting on a one-off unique event: A Mums ‘n’ Girls FitCamp! FRIDAY 27th MARCH 7PM-830PM @ Highfield Community Club, Hall Green, Birmingham, B28 0HS A rare opportunity to exercise with your daughter and a […]
Take a Tour- 01, 19, 2015
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- By afsha malik
- Blog
The Nude-till-Noon “Diet”
So, I tried this thing last week. I don’t like to call it a diet; as soon as I hear that word I start eating like a horse. When I put down dietary rules and restrictions, I just start rebelling against them! Crazy, right? Anyway this “challenge” really worked well. I lost weight, got my […]
Take a Tour- 11, 01, 2014
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- By afsha malik
- Blog
Overcoming Exercise Barriers in South Asian women
According to statistics , as a woman, over 40, a member of the BME community, of South Asian heritage and Muslim, I should be as good as stationary! But let’s be fair, it’s not just Asian women that are not active enough, trends indicate that women on the whole just don’t get enough exercise to […]
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