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Tag Archives: exercise

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Building Immunity

Our bodies are programmed for self-healing. Given the right environment the body knows exactly what to do, without the necessity for randomised controlled trials! It’s divinely programmed but we also need to do our bit by looking after our environment, internal and external. Our immune system is our best defence to deal with threats and […]

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Holistic Resolutions:Taking it Deeper

It’s time. The energies of Winter have naturally drawn us inward.Rest,recuperation and reflection seem to come easily. And after the shortest day of the year, we really feel the trek towards a new year has truly begun.We feel the pull towards the growth and vitality of spring. And so it is only natural that we […]

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Move your Body

I’m not anti-gym…no I started there…but my goodness, I ain’t going to stay there…and God forbid, end there! Being within the fitness world and industry and yet far enough out of it to see it for what it is, I can honestly say that we have developed a really warped way of looking at how […]

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Salat: A Mindful Movement Therapy

It has been known for centuries that certain practices form the basis of good health and happiness. Yogis do Yoga, Taoist do TaiChi, Sufis Spin. Whether it is defined as a philosophy or a religion or a set of rules, every practice has a commonality, that is, to delve deep into understanding how to accept […]

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Exercise in Ramadan: an alternative view.

It’s a question that gets asked a lot….”exercise during Ramadan?”  Google it and you will see a hundered posts on the benefits of maintaining your exercise regime (if not a little reduced), the best times to workout, the best type of workout,the best pre workout snack, post workout protein etc etc….hey Ive even written a […]

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The Power of Swimming

  Dip into the cool water Become aware of the temperature against your skin Settle, and start to move, gently cutting through the water Find a steady rhythm in body and breath And soon you begin to to feel it…the flow The external noise subsides, stiffness in the body releases, the stresses of the mind […]

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What Should I Eat? Food, Simplified.

What should I eat? Paleo? Primal? Low carb, low fat, low carb +low fat (NO!) high fat +low carb, Atkins, raw, vegan, GI, Macro-tracking, calorie-counting, intermittent fasting?????? No wonder we are confused. Conflicting messages and TOO MUCH INFORMATION. While trying to absorb it all and follow plans and diets, in reality our daily food choices […]

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Is Yoga an exercise?

Today someone asked me something. It blew my mind. So much so that I’ve taken to my blog. Its been a while..blogging. “Is Yoga actually an exercise? It’s too slow and it’s just stretching.” Wow, I thought. It took me a moment to just digest the question. How far removed from the concept of inner […]

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Exercise Manmade

I recently had the privilege of delivering a workshop as part of the innovative Manmade programme designed by Terry Rigby from Forward for Life. And I say privilege because I feel I have been part of something quite amazing; a service that focusses on delivering health and wellbeing awareness to an often over-looked group – […]

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Mums ‘n’ Girls FitCamp

#ThisBrum GirlCan Get Fit, Active & Bloomin Healthy for Free! Courtesy of Sport England and the ThisGirlCan campaign, Bloomin Health is putting on a one-off unique event: A Mums ‘n’ Girls FitCamp! FRIDAY 27th MARCH 7PM-830PM @ Highfield Community Club, Hall Green, Birmingham, B28 0HS A rare opportunity to exercise with your daughter and a […]

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