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Tag Archives: health

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Would you like to Bloom ?

What does it mean to Bloom ? When you think of a person who is blooming what image comes to mind. Mostly associated with flowers or pregnant women, the word epitomises life in all its glory. Bloom: To flourish with youth and vigour, to thrive, to shine, to glow. To be in the prime of […]

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Perimenopause: Our Golden Opportunity

I now witness first hand the mass capitalisation of the disconnection of women from the most sacred period of their lives. This disconnection from ourselves and from our spirituality is the cause of much dis-ease. The medicalisation of menopause has been around for decades but there has been an exponential increase in the numbers of […]

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2021: A Butterfly Emerges

  Have you emerged yet?                       I wrote a post last year about 2020…a year that changed the world: individually and collectively. It seemed like something BIG was going on – on another level and I thought I had figured it out. I wrote: We […]

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Relaxation: A Spiritual Perspective

For those on the frontline of this pandemic, dealing with exhaustion, grief and distress on a daily basis, it may seem like a distant dream to be able to feel any sense of inner calm and peace at the moment. The body is pumped full of adrenaline and cortisol, the stress response is at an […]

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Preparing a Strong Body

I’ve been collating some useful information coming through about preparing the body to be able to fight the SARS-COV-2 virus as best we can. But lets be clear, these recommendations are actually just a clear message to boost our immune system from within…virus or not. This is something we should be doing all the time. […]

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Reflections on the journey to race day

Guest Blog: Written by Fozia Roked, paediatrician interested in high dependency care, mum, born and bred in Birmingham. Interests: human factors in NHS, baking, war journalism, sports.    6 months ago, we brainstormed ideas for a ladies challenge to raise money for The Olton Project. We had some doubts; how many people would actually sign […]

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The Body on Trauma: Part 1

Trauma is part of life. It always has been. Whereas in the past people developed systems like meditation, yoga, community support and used religions, rituals and natural ways of calming the mind, soothing the nervous system and healing the body, we here in the West have developed a complicated system of over-diagnosing, over-medicalising and labelling […]

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Simple ways to connect with your soul

Easy ways to connect with your soul everyday to make life a whole lot nicer.   A Night-time Reflection Every night just sit back and think of the day. You can do this as you relax on the sofa, in bed or after you pray. Pick out moments of joy and feel them again, with […]

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Move your Body

I’m not anti-gym…no I started there…but my goodness, I ain’t going to stay there…and God forbid, end there! Being within the fitness world and industry and yet far enough out of it to see it for what it is, I can honestly say that we have developed a really warped way of looking at how […]

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Walk amongst the Trees

  There is not much better than a dark,rainy autumn morning for a self-reflective walk in the park. And today was certainly one of those walks. I was just observing the darkness of the sky and thought how my daily movement practice has sustained me through the best of times and the darkest of times. […]

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