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Tag Archives: healthy habits

Exercise in Ramadan: an alternative view.

It’s a question that gets asked a lot….”exercise during Ramadan?”  Google it and you will see a hundered posts on the benefits of maintaining your exercise regime (if not a little reduced), the best times to workout, the best type of workout,the best pre workout snack, post workout protein etc etc….hey Ive even written a […]

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Keeping Kids Healthy

    Keeping Kids Healthy We are always thinking about how we can make ourselves more healthy but what about the children? I’m sure you have probably spend these past few winter months wishing you had shares in Calpol and dipping into tubs of mentholated rubs through the night! Here are a few ways you […]

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The Nude-till-Noon “Diet”

So, I tried this thing last week. I don’t like to call it a diet; as soon as I hear that word I start eating like a horse. When I put down dietary rules and restrictions, I just start rebelling against them! Crazy, right? Anyway this “challenge” really worked well. I lost weight, got my […]

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Resolutions and making them last.

So it’s all over: the craziness that is Christmas and New Year. Life has been full of people, food, drink, sharing and stressing. And now it’s just you and your New Year Resolutions, face to face, staring skeptically at each other! ‘Lose weight’, ‘exercise more’, ‘get healthier’ seem pretty achievable initially but re-wiring the brain […]

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