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Tag Archives: intermittant fasting

Exercise in Ramadan: an alternative view.

It’s a question that gets asked a lot….”exercise during Ramadan?”  Google it and you will see a hundered posts on the benefits of maintaining your exercise regime (if not a little reduced), the best times to workout, the best type of workout,the best pre workout snack, post workout protein etc etc….hey Ive even written a […]

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What Should I Eat? Food, Simplified.

What should I eat? Paleo? Primal? Low carb, low fat, low carb +low fat (NO!) high fat +low carb, Atkins, raw, vegan, GI, Macro-tracking, calorie-counting, intermittent fasting?????? No wonder we are confused. Conflicting messages and TOO MUCH INFORMATION. While trying to absorb it all and follow plans and diets, in reality our daily food choices […]

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Exercise in Ramadan: a Rough Guide

( This was written when the fasts were long , 18+ hours when sleep can be severely disrupted and therefore has a huge hormonal impact on the body.As the fasts get shorter it becomes easier to exercise without negative effects on the body . Mostly because sleep is not as badly affected as it is […]

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