- 12, 05, 2019
- 1 Comment.
- By afsha malik
- Blog
Move your Body
I’m not anti-gym…no I started there…but my goodness, I ain’t going to stay there…and God forbid, end there! Being within the fitness world and industry and yet far enough out of it to see it for what it is, I can honestly say that we have developed a really warped way of looking at how […]
Take a Tour- 05, 04, 2019
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- By afsha malik
- Blog
Exercise in Ramadan: an alternative view.
It’s a question that gets asked a lot….”exercise during Ramadan?” Google it and you will see a hundered posts on the benefits of maintaining your exercise regime (if not a little reduced), the best times to workout, the best type of workout,the best pre workout snack, post workout protein etc etc….hey Ive even written a […]
Take a Tour- 05, 03, 2016
- 1 Comment.
- By afsha malik
- Blog
Walking Works for Exams
Those who know me know how I feel about walking. It is the most perfect form of exercise. Not just because its free and acheivable for most of us, or good for the imagination and creativity, or stress-relieving…NO, its because, done properly it loads the joints perfectly, with just the right amount of impact, not […]
Take a Tour- 03, 01, 2015
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- By afsha malik
- Blog
Free Exercise Classes this March
We are really proud to announce that thanks to funding from Sport England and the #ThisGirlCan campaign, Bloomin Health is putting on a few free exercise classes to give you a chance to try something new. iFitWalk @ Highfield Community Club,Highfield rd, HallGreen B28 0HS Indoor walking workouts to Bollywood, Bhangra, Afro and Pop beats […]
Take a Tour- 02, 11, 2015
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- By afsha malik
- Blog
Keeping Kids Healthy
Keeping Kids Healthy We are always thinking about how we can make ourselves more healthy but what about the children? I’m sure you have probably spend these past few winter months wishing you had shares in Calpol and dipping into tubs of mentholated rubs through the night! Here are a few ways you […]
Take a Tour- 01, 05, 2015
- By afsha malik
- Blog
Resolutions and making them last.
So it’s all over: the craziness that is Christmas and New Year. Life has been full of people, food, drink, sharing and stressing. And now it’s just you and your New Year Resolutions, face to face, staring skeptically at each other! ‘Lose weight’, ‘exercise more’, ‘get healthier’ seem pretty achievable initially but re-wiring the brain […]
Take a Tour- 03, 31, 2014
- By afsha malik
- Blog
BMC Equity Symposium 2014: Breaking Down the Barriers
I have just returned from attending a weekend long symposium held by the British Mountaineering Council (BMC). I am invigorated and enthused with new ideas. The BMC are committed to help with addressing the barriers facing the most underrepresented groups, namely women and girls, people with learning disabilities and those from black and ethnic minority […]
Take a Tour- 02, 24, 2014
- By afsha malik
- Blog
Walking with Kids
It started about 5years ago Me: “Right kiddies, we’re walking to school!” Kids: “Noooo, muuuum, do we have to?” So, the odds were stacked against me. Two children age 6 and 9, the Great British weather, a 30 minute walk, and a school where 98% of the pupils were driven there.But, I was determined and […]
Take a Tour- 01, 05, 2014
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- By afsha malik
- Blog
Stop stressing! A Quick(ish) guide to managing stress
The other day, I asked a GP friend of mine what, in his opinion and experience, was the biggest risk factor to bad health generally. I expected him to say smoking, or obesity , perhaps lack of exercise but without hesitation he said “stress”. It got me thinking and stressing about stress and how it […]
Take a Tour- 07, 22, 2013
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- By afsha malik
- Blog
Make no bones about it: Your Lifestyle Prescription for Osteoporosis
OSTEOPOROSIS What is Osteoporosis? Lack of calcium in the bones make them more porous and liable to fracture easily . There are often no symptoms until fracture occurs though some signs may be severe back pain, shrinking height, mild but regular bone pain, fractures.Up to 40% of women may suffer by the age of 80. […]
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