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Tag Archives: yoga

The Body on Trauma: Part 1

Trauma is part of life. It always has been. Whereas in the past people developed systems like meditation, yoga, community support and used religions, rituals and natural ways of calming the mind, soothing the nervous system and healing the body, we here in the West have developed a complicated system of over-diagnosing, over-medicalising and labelling […]

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Decolonising Fitness: Reclaiming Health

I’m a British Pakistani, a Muslim mum, a middle-aged, brown-skinned, softly curved woman, a fitness professional, an exercise instructor and wellness educator. Where do I fit in this industry of fitness and health? As Women of Colour (WOC) it’s time to have a conversation about the challenges we face and how we could work together […]

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Salat: A Mindful Movement Therapy

It has been known for centuries that certain practices form the basis of good health and happiness. Yogis do Yoga, Taoist do TaiChi, Sufis Spin. Whether it is defined as a philosophy or a religion or a set of rules, every practice has a commonality, that is, to delve deep into understanding how to accept […]

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Is Yoga an exercise?

Today someone asked me something. It blew my mind. So much so that I’ve taken to my blog. Its been a while..blogging. “Is Yoga actually an exercise? It’s too slow and it’s just stretching.” Wow, I thought. It took me a moment to just digest the question. How far removed from the concept of inner […]

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Free Exercise Classes this March

We are really proud to announce that thanks to funding from Sport England and the #ThisGirlCan campaign, Bloomin Health is putting on a few free exercise classes to give you a chance to try something new. iFitWalk @ Highfield Community Club,Highfield rd, HallGreen B28 0HS Indoor walking workouts to Bollywood, Bhangra, Afro and Pop beats […]

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Keeping Kids Healthy

    Keeping Kids Healthy We are always thinking about how we can make ourselves more healthy but what about the children? I’m sure you have probably spend these past few winter months wishing you had shares in Calpol and dipping into tubs of mentholated rubs through the night! Here are a few ways you […]

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Laughter is Medicine

Laughter Yoga and the Happy-Loop Today I learnt something new: You can “fake it” and it still feels like the real thing! Laughter, that is! Thanks to GINA, an awesome new social enterprise, I was able to experience my very first Laughter Yoga session. The session was led by Sandra Wathall of Laughing Hearts, based […]

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Stop stressing! A Quick(ish) guide to managing stress

The other day, I asked a GP friend of mine what, in his opinion and experience, was the biggest risk factor to bad health generally. I expected him to say smoking, or obesity , perhaps lack of exercise but without hesitation he said “stress”. It got me thinking and stressing about stress and how it […]

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